
Do you know the Studer Innotec brand?



Do you know the brand Studer Innotec and its products? Do you know that we are distributors of the brand? This Swiss ISO-certified company which develops and produces inverters, inverter/chargers and MPPT solar charge controllers has a wealth of experience in the market, having been founded over 30 years ago.

What else? It is so recognised that it has sold thousands of products all over the world, and they are totally manufactured in Switzerland and have a 10-year warranty.

Curious about the brand? Then check out the amazing photos from this company's portfolio:

Have you had a chance to see their products? Then we have highlighted some of them, which are the reference equipment to choose for insulated installations off-grid:

AJ Serie Inverters
  • AJ Serie Inverters: they have been on the market for many years, are very robust and reliable. They are supplied in AC and DC cables and, in addition to their high power generation capacity, they consume little energy due to the stand-by which is precise and efficient. In addition, the inverters have a battery protection function which intelligently manages the level of low voltage disconnection depending on how the battery is used, extending battery life.
Xtender Serie Inverters / Chargers
  • Xtender Serie Inverters / Chargers: these appliances have total flexibility in relation to the desired power system concept, ideal for specific markets that need solutions in all types of battery technologiesSimilarly, these inverters are energy managers, it can be used intelligently and efficiently. What's more? They can also work in grid-connected systems to provide back-up power in case of failure or in off-grid pure, completely isolated.

These inverters/chargers also allow online monitoring,as shown in the image below, work in AC-Coupling, with grid inverters and in mini-grids, such as fully isolated islands.

                Last but not least, these appliances allow several units to operate in parallel, seja em modo monofásico ou trifásico. E exemplos?  A Studer tem uma gama com vários modelos, desde o XTS 900-12 até ao XTH 8000-48.

VarioString Serie Regulators
  •  VarioString Serie Regulators: this range of equipment has two models of MPPT solar charge controllers with battery charge current of 70A or 120A for 48v batteries. With a very high input range of 600v and 900v (respectively VS-70 and VS-120), they allow strings of high voltage, reducing losses, cabling and labour, in this sense, the solar installations achieve cost optimization and, in the same way, ensure a higher solar yield. In addition, these regulators have a fully programmable four-step charger for long battery life. Finally, they are very efficient in isolated systems, having a conversion efficiency of over 98%.
Variotrack Serie Controllers

From this point of view, what are the advantages of the brand products?

  • Innovative, quality and reliable products. Because they are manufactured in Switzerland, there is total control from the manufacturing process to product development. Only then do the products reach the customers. This way, the company is able to deliver quality products safely;
  • Low consumption and high efficiency;
  • Sustainable products that are in line with the needs of the sustainable markets of the future;
  • Products with several programming options that provide very useful and flexible functionalities.

You have doubts and don't know the Studer Innotec brand? No problem!

We are here to help you find the most suitable solution for you and your needs. Contact us and get all your questions answered.


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